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Engadget Japanese に『W3C準拠なHTTPパンティ』という記事が載っている。

HTTPのステータスコードをあしらった女性用下着 "HTTPanty"。「403:Forbidden」や「200:OK」のように、リクエストへの返事と理由をギークにも分かりやすく伝えます。用意されているのは上記のほか「411:Length Required」と「413:Requested Entity Too Large」。

記事のタネは ThinkGeek :: HTTPanties

If you've ever run across a "403 Forbidden" error on a web site, it means you've either stumbled onto the wrong page, or you've been snooping where you shouldn't be! One nice thing about the Hypertext Transfer Protocol that runs the web (HTTP for short) is that it includes helpful status codes such as "404 Not Found" when a resource can't be found and "403 Forbidden" when the web site you're knocking at does not want you to come in. One rarely seen status code is the elusive "200 OK" which basically means that everything went fine, and you're seeing the page you're supposed to be seeing!
